Beccah is the owner of "See Through Me Studios", and has taught children at an art studio in New Lenox, IL in the past.

If you donated money to this person, please contact the FBI's Internet Crime Complaint Center or the Lockport Illinois Police.
The following are links sent to us about her story. Please feel free to add any others in our comments section.
Thank you to everyone who sent us emails about this story.
It is thought that Beccah Rose Beushausen AKA "B" is trolling the April Rose Scam blogs under the name InHISTightGrip, so beware!
If you google InHISTightGrip, every single search result shows how she went to various blogs, posted a nice compliment about the blogger/site, and then quickly tried to re-route traffic to her blog, LittleAprilRose.Blogspot.Com by saying things such as, "This poor, young woman needs your prayers as her baby is dying ... yada, yada, yada." Then the BlogHer ads began appearing and the money started rolling in whenever someone viewed her blog. She would purposefully leave people in a state of suspense so they would keep returning, thereby putting more $ in her pocket.
Despicable. Wonder what her next "name" and "ailment" will be! She'll pop up somewhere. They always do. They have no shame.
raechelmyers.blogspot.com is the girl who was her go-to during the "birth", posted about the baby's birth 8 minutes before it "happened", and posted that she'd talked to B and updated on April's condition about 12 hours after we knew it was a doll
not updated recently, but brings up some great questions!
Beware, take 2. Many folks are thinking that the above-mentioned site (littlerosequestions) is authored by NONE OTHER than Beccah Beushausen herself!
I was just informed that Beccah or "B" is also using the name "mamarebekaah" (spelled that way) to troll the boards and respond to those she deceived. She also used this name the same way she used InHISTightGrip -- to garner sympathy for a "young Christian mother in need of prayer for her little one." Google the name and you'll see exactly what I mean.
More traffic to her blog means more money in her pocket. She gets sicker by the second!
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