Friday, November 13, 2009

Friday Night Funny

Some readers sent us a post by Gina. She's an Autistic genius now, don'tcha know:

"I am on the autism spectrum (high functioning, genius really) and I do eventing."


Anonymous said...

She decided to go one up from Aspergers this time then? Why am I not shocked by that.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if this is where you got her idea about the autism thing

Anonymous said...

Asperger's is a form of autism.

Anonymous said...

asperger's is a high functioning form of autism and most people with asperger's do have an IQ in the genius range.

Anonymous said...

"Asperger's is a form of autism."

I know that - I think you took my comment too literally. I guess that's the problem with the internet and lack of tone of voice. Or maybe its a cultural thing that you read into it differently.

Anonymous said...

me thinks DWT needs a life, it's been over a year--give it a rest

Anonymous said...

DTW: I appreciate what you do, so thank you.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I meant DWT, not DTW.

GibsonTwins said...

Interesting that all 8 comments are anonymous. Not our Gina -- not one chance. LMAO.

Anonymous said...

Gibson Twins- what in the world are you trying to say? I just don't understand your comment. I posted the 2 anonymous comments before your comment. Any chance you can clarify?

DownWiththeTrolls said...

9:57, yes, you're right. It has been a year. But since Gina has a record of nine years of trolling message boards using several diseases, we appreciate readers sending us tidbits as they see them. We hope it helps keep her toeing a line.

And Asperger's is a form of Autism, but Gina has said several times that hers is self-diagnosed, based on a friend's recommendation.

Maybe her genius IQ is self-diagnosed as well?

GibsonTwins said...

Was not referring to all anons, just interesting that all of the first 8 comments were anonymous. The ones that read so defensively are the ones I read as Gina. Who the hell knows though?

Anonymous said...

Sorry my comment was the one at 9:51, Im not Gina, haven't read the backstory on her, so I didn't know she was using different diseases on different boards. I actually found this site by looking for information on the "Mcdonald five" blog I used to follow.

Anonymous said...

according to her parents she was diagnosed by a Dr. why not just leave well enough alone? she admitted she was mentally ill on the website, she's IS sick, let her be.

GibsonTwins said...

anon 12:24--

it's not the point whether or not she has a verified or legitimate mental illness. the point is she trolls all sorts of message boards playing the victim and lying and, after being caught in the FOP scam last year, who knows what else she may be trying to get from people by lying? that is the point.

Anonymous said...

I can vouch for 12.08 and 11.10 not being Gina either - and I do know who she is because I too was dragged in hook line and sinker too. I choose stay anonymous because...well its my perogative :D

That doesn't leave many comments capable of being Gina's now does it? In fact if DWT has stats enabled then the IP address will show I am in a completely different continent anyway. And if DWT wants to know who I am then I have no problem revealing my identity in a private email.

DownWiththeTrolls said...

12:24 - that's news to us. Are her parents going based on what Gina has told them, or have they talked to a doctor themselves?

Because all she has said about Asperger's is that she has the same symptoms as a friend who has it, therefore, she too must have it.

Anonymous said...

Symptoms ARE the only way to diagnosis autism and Asperger's, they are a collection of "symptoms" or traits in a person. I have a son who is an aspie and have spoken with Gina at lengths and I believe it to be true. Whatever the case may be, she appears to only be telling horse stories, not asking for anything or scamming anyone. Let her be.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11.05, you have obviously not read about the whole Friends Of Pepe-scandal. If you had, you would not believe a single word Gina said. Oh, by the way, I thought that one of the "traits" of autism was lacking the ability to lie. Kind of ironic, since Gina lied to the whole world about having CF, a double lung transplant, and almost dying a gazillion times...

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

My son with Asperger's lies all the time. He would tell someone his mother was dead, if I were standing right beside him, if he thought it would make a situation better or thought he could gain from it.

Anonymous said...

I noticed earlier this year when she created a blog for her horse that she had started lurking, commenting on some blogs by parents of people with autism and other health issues. So I wouldn't be surprised if she latches on to someone and begins having some medical 'crisis' herself.

I wondered once the pepe fiasco was revealed how she could stand not being the center of attention and when she'd reinvent herself again.

Anonymous said...

Someone should reopen the Nancy Bratt investigation. Her mom gets on her blog and posts that she's close to death, etc. That it's 'nearing the end'.

The problem is, she's been 'nearing the end' and 'dying' for years! And years! And yes, Nancy looks a little sick. But when compared with older photos of her, she doesn't look all THAT different in weight. If she supposedly can't eat, wouldn't she be a skeleton?

Anonymous said...

Anon:3.27...I was thinking the same thing the other day...her mother announced about 2 moths ago that her xanga was supposed to be shut down Nov.29th. because by then Mancy would be in a coma or something...and she would definitely NOT live to see christmas...The only reason I'm hesitant to yell TROLL is that I would think that the nurses, chaplain, family ect. in the photos have to know about the site, and you would think they'd confront mom or Nancy if they were scamming people. I might be naive, I do think she is very ill, maybe dying, but at the same time I do feel that there has been/is a lot of drama and circus around this case. Especially because of all the death profecies that continue to be posponed all the time...

Anonymous said...

Re: the Nancy Bratt site.

I do hope we are not jumping all over someone who is truly ill and on hospice. And it is impossible to tell how well someone is doing by looking at photographs.

However, I have noticed that, although her site has been regularly saying she is on hospice since 2002 (referring to "Sandy" as "hospice nurse), they are now saying that "hospice entered our lives" in September.

I'm just wondering, to be fair, whether or not her family is aware of what the medical terms they use mean. They are obviously quite poor, and some writers have limited literacy skills.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm the Anon at 3:27 who left the comment about Nancy Bratt. I've emailed back and forth with Nancy (or maybe it was her mother?) and every time she replies, it's in such a way to make me feel extremely guilty and sorry for her/them for ever questioning anything. Nancy herself supposedly replies saying she cries all the time and her family doesn't understand her and she is such a burden, that she hates herself, etc. (By the way, I was very kind in my emails and not accusatory at all).

I got some red flags from her replies because isn't trying to make someone feel guilty or sorry for them one of the danger signs that someone isn't being truthful? And seriously, I have read their blog on and off for YEARS. She's been close to death for over 4 years and has been 'dying' for even longer.

I'll be honest and say I actually once donated them some money through Paypal. I never got a reply or thanks or anything. (I wasn't looking for a thanks, but an acknowledgment that it helped and was needed would be nice.) And for people who are supposedly so poor, how is it they go eat fast food for breakfast every morning? (Burger King?) They have a large flat screen TV in the background in some of their pics.

Something isn't right. I honestly think that Nancy knows her mom is playing everyone and feels guilty about it. I honestly don't think it's her, although one must wonder why she agrees to be photographed about 20 times a day.

By the way - to the blog owner - I am sorry for getting off topic on this comment thread.

Anonymous said...

"Nancy Bratt" gave the name of the hospice she was being treated "Providence Home and Hospice".
Here are just a couple of her myspace page archives
****Saturday, October 13, 2007****
updated: if anyone ever doubted nannys' conditions we have it in writing now! i remember a few years back there was some doubt, but as i read the status nanny is and the conditions she has, i started crying. mike holly is our caseworker and the person nanny talks to regarding how i am taking care of her. her conditions listed were 2 pages long, confirmed by her doctors and when i read "hospice" that is when i lost it. i then thought of all the doctors that had to read these before they approved me to be nannys' caretaker. and when i read that nanny soon would need 24 hour care, i said I WILL TAKE CARE OF HER!! in black and white it said she may need a future hoome living care, and hell no, i am her mother and i will take caer of nanny when she needs that 24/7 care. for now i am just thankfull she is up and walking, laughing with her mommie and trying to enjoy life. it hurts, however, to read her diagnoses and realize that this is what she has. but i am relieved to know that if anyone had a doubt(some family) we now have it all in back and white. a thick pamphlet of nannys' diagnoses, prognosis(poor) and signed by her doctors and mike holly, our caseworker.
nanny is a client of home and community services of washington and providence home and hospice. i am now her caretaker and will begin getting paid november 1st. today is my first day as a paid employee! it is bittersweet at the same time because although i get to spend time with my daughter, its the fact that i *have* to spend time with her for this reason.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

moms update for the people at nannys' haven.
a lot of you have emailed me recently asking how nanny is, and you say you have come from the xfiles haven. well, since we were told not to post updates there, then we havent. however, i can post whatever i want here on this website.
nannys' condition continues to deteriorate. she continues to lose weight, and her blood work remains a mess. she has a problem holding onto potassium and iron. they have upped her to the highest dose possible. her white blood cell count remains low which means her immune system is nearly non existant. she sleeps most of the day and is hooked to pumps for hydration, vitamins, food etc for 18 hours a day. she has a major blood infection wich she has been battling for over 4 weeks now. 4 of the days were in the hospital. i am her main caregiver, and she is on full hospice. she is not expected to make it to next christmas. she loses weight and hasnt held onto wieght even when her tpn calories, lipids and sugar has been increased. she recieves daily phone calls from friends, but remains very weak. thanks for checking in on nanny. i will always update here and on the family myspace every day or as much as i can. right now we are waiting on blood cultures to see if her infection has begun to settle down any. to prolong her life, they are still deciding whether or not nanny will need major surgery. we put this in the hands of god and the decisions made by her cardiologist, hematologist, gastrologist, and nuerologist to make. she may not survive such a surgery. she is in constant contact via phone with barbara/mommie, angel marcia, laura, darrin and saber, who continue to check on her daily

Anonymous said...

By the way, do you plan on continuing to update your blog?

Anonymous said...

The internet sure is a great medium for the Beccahs, Ginas, Kelseys, etc. of the world, isn't it? I mean, really...a dream come true for attention-seekers.

Re: Nancy Bratt -- I'm only one entry into her xanga and it's already pretty obvious that she has...issues. This one seems more extreme because she's not just faking an illness on the web, she's doing it in real life, too. Again, I'm only a little ways into her blog, so I should probably have saved my comment, but I thought this was awfully telling:

Nancy on her love of acting and her dream of winning an Oscar:
"It wasnt even the fame really. Not even the money. It was the fact that when I stepped on the stage and those bright lights filled around us, I knew I was at home. I was at the best place I ever possibly could be. And I wanted to own it! I felt like I was somebody. I didnt have to be Nancy, I could be the character in the script and it felt so good inside."

I'm sure Beccah, Gina, et al feel the exact same way.