Sunday, January 11, 2009

Brianna Lavey on Cafemom

This troll hasn't posted anything since November, but she has not removed her pictures either. If your children appeared on one of her other sites, please check the link above and to see if their pictures were used here as well.

We had a comment on the last post that cafemom did not do anything about a previous troll stealing images of quadruplets. Hopefully that will not be the case this time.


Joni said...

Well, seems she has struck again! That supposed ultra sound pic. on her website is from Brianna Morrison of MN, when she was pregnant with Sextuplets back in 2007. Also seems she has already stolen a quad. mom's pic. of her 4 kids on Halloween. I'm confused has she already had or sextuplets or is she still expecting them?

GibsonTwins said...

Hey she's even stealing wedding photos. Go her.

Cassidy said...

in cafemom I have found another troll
it's the Otten sextuplets

Joni said...

Some people really have nothing else to do in their spare time than pretend they are somebody they aren't? She has posted that she hates "Trolls, and bad gossip when it's about her". Concidental?! I think not. The Otten Sextuplets, she seemes to have mixed up sextuplets with septuplets. Wow! That's all I have to say about that. Who's wedding pic is that? Anybody know?! They're all over the place aren't they?!

Anonymous said...

I am not sure about this, but the Otten sextuplets are all over the Internet... news articles, etc.

Are you saying someone made them up totally or that someone stole their pics? Because their are REAL Otten sextuplets out there... so is someone stealing their photos?

I am just confused I guess! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Someone stole pictures of the Otten sextuplets and their two older sisters. They gave them new names and claimed the kids as their own.
The real Otten sextuplets exist, but the person who made this Cafe mom page was not Tina Otten.

Anonymous said...

Oh ok! Thanks for clearing that up...I wasn't sure. Now it makes sense. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Something weird about this one. Some others have tried to call her out on it but the writer behind this blog is crafty with her words. Indirect financial scam IMO. No obvious "donate" button, but indirectly funneling donations.

Anonymous said...

Have you heard about the controversy aroung litle aprilrose? It appears she has asked for donations and prayers then posted a picture that is of a re-born baby doll....